Why do I teach basically free classes?

Some people wonder why I offer donation-based or basically free Zoom yoga and Pilates classes.

Yes, most of my students don’t pay any money. However, I’m richly rewarded with supreme satisfaction and a priceless sense of purpose. I feel honored and privileged to watch students blossom instead of wilt and wither away during the COVID-19 pandemic.

One morbidly obese student planned to have gastric bypass surgery before COVID-19 hit. Four months later, he’s decided to forgo this surgery. He feels much more vibrant since consistently practicing yoga. He never expected yoga to relieve his aches and pains, help him lose over 10 pounds, and open his eyes to other venues for curbing his “emotional” eating. 

A student was riddled with panic attacks upon awakening each morning. She could hardly catch her breath and get out of bed. She’s delighted that morning yoga has resolved her morning anxiety attacks and taught her breathing techniques to assuage her fears throughout the day. 

To my surprise, teaching on Zoom, a highly visual medium, has renewed my zest for yoga and Pilates and passion for sharing it with others

I am an auditory and kinesthetic learner who truly misses touching my students and hearing them breathe in unison with me. Zoom forced me to be more creative and inventive. I now use more visual cues; for example, I wear dorky, yellow shorts over my black leggings to highlight my hip and spine movements.

Teaching donation-based classes reminds me that the best things in life are often free, including gratitude. 

I’m incredibly grateful to all my students who have taught me many valuable lessons and skills. Any teacher will tell you, “The best way to learn and grow is to teach.” It’s impossible to name and thank all my students from my career spanning 30 years. That’s why I’m thanking them by modifying my Zoom classes to incorporate their feedback. The video above details changes that I’ve made to my Zoom classes to enhance my students’ class experience. What I say pretty much relates to any Zoom yoga or Pilates class.

I’m also incredibly grateful to the countless people who freely shared with me their expertise in yoga, Pilates, physical therapy, sports and fitness, meditation, and psychotherapy.

I hope to see you in one of my Zoom Classes.

Be well,

Natazha Raine O’Connor


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Be Creative with Your Self-Care