Be Creative with Your Self-Care

As the current pandemic corrodes our confidence and exacerbates our pre-existing anxieties, now more than ever we need to wholeheartedly commit to outrageous, creative, and defiant self-care.

Despite all the uncertainty, we must truly pledge to soothe and nourish ourselves. On top of violent disruptions to our routines, when we needed them more than ever, we also lost access to precious forms of self-preservation: social gatherings, massage, gyms, yoga studios, worshipping in person with our spiritual communities, and so on.

Now more than ever, we must reinvent how we meet our needs while taking into account our unique creative styles and forms of self-expression!

In the meantime, take good care of yourself. I hope to see you in one of my Zoom yoga or Pilates classes; the class schedule is linked here.

Be bodacious about your self-care!

Be well,

Natazha Raine O’Connor


Why do I teach basically free classes?


Why do we hold our breath?