How to Take Good Care of Your Neck and Shoulders

These days, our necks and shoulders are under attack for many different reasons.

We protect ourselves from cold and inclement weather by clenching our necks and shoulders to brace ourselves against the elements.

Uncertainty and stress cue us to shove our shoulders up against our ears as we go into a “Fight or Flight” posture. Dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic is especially stressful, as there’s no end in sight. Unlike the semester from hell, there’s no definitive end date for this pandemic and all its ensuing changes and trials and tribulations.  

Shelter-in-place living has us more sedentary and on our electronic devices than ever before. Both of which trigger us to stoop our heads and shoulders forward. 

Here’s the good news: You can use these simple tools to take good care of your neck and shoulders!

As pointed out in my video above, we drop our shoulders away from our ears as we breathe out. Exhaling turns on the parasympathetic nervous system that relaxes and renews us; yet another way exhaling alleviates neck and shoulder pain. 

You may want to go one step further and strengthen your upper back and shoulder muscles by doing planks. Many folks have difficulty performing planks properly. My next video below offers tips on how to get into a plank effectively.

Be well,

Natazha Raine O’Connor


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